Bennington Township (Shiawassee, MI)

General Information

Contact Information

Phone: (989) 723-5555

Address: 5849 S. M-52, Owosso, MI 48867

Township Information

Minor Civil Division Name:
Bennington Township

Jurisdiction Type:
General Law Township

County Name:
Shiawassee County

Watershed Area:
95.293 square miles

Land Area:
36.4731 square miles

Water Area:
0.3168 square miles

Type of Fire Service:
Contract for fire protection with the Southwest Shiawassee Emergency Services Alliance (operating as Perry Area Fire Rescue), the Owosso Township fire department, and the Laingsburg fire department.

Type of Police Protection:
Shiawassee County Sherriff and Michigan State police.

Type of Ambulance Service:
Contract for ambulance service with Southwest Shiawassee Emergency Services Alliance (operating as Perry Area Fire Rescue) for all residents of Bennington Township.

Burning Permits

Burning permits are intended to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the persons and property within Bennington Township by regulating the burning of leaves, trash and any other combustible materials within the township. The Burning Ordinance provides penalties for violations of the Burning Ordinance.

Bennington Township has two (2) fire protection organizations that service the community and each organization is charged with the denial or approval and issuance of a burning permit within their service area.

Click here to view the areas served by each of our fire protection organizations.

To obtain a permit, contact the person at the number listed below for your coverage area.

North of Garrison Road
Chief David Johnson
Owosso Charter Township Fire Department

South of Garrison Road 
Brian Pfiefle
Perry Area Fire Rescue
Call 517-625-7611 and select Option 4 (Burn Permits), and the automated system will transfer you to whomever is on call to address burning permits OR you may need to leave a voicemail and they will contact you back.

If you have any questions about this, please contact Lee Ash at (517) 202-5921.

Law Enforcement

Bennington Township does not operate it’s own police department. We are supported by the Shiawassee County Sherriff’s department and the Michigan State police.

Any emergency situation should be reported to the county-wide 911 service to request assistance.


Bennington Township has three (3) cemeteries.

ALTON CEMETERY: Active. Located in section 23, on W. Grand River Road. It is township owned and is recorded at the State of Michigan Library in Lansing. Link to headstone photos.

HOWARD CEMETERY: Active. Located in section 36, on W. Tyrell Road. It is township owned and recorded at the State of Michigan Library. Link to headstone index.

OAKWOOD CEMETERY: Active. Located in section 3, at Bennington and M-52 Roads. It is township owned and recorded at the State of Michigan Library. Link to headstone photos.

Click here to view Cemetery Prices.

The township is responsible for all opening and closing of burials. All terms and conditions are governed under the Bennington Township Cemetery Ordinance.

For further information contact the Township Clerk.


The Shiawassee District Library serves as the library for Bennington Township residents. The library access fees are included in the Township resident’s tax bill which entitles the Bennington Township residents to use all the same library services as is available to a resident of Owosso.

The main library is located at the corner of M-52 (Shiawassee) and M-21 (Main St.) in Owosso, phone (989) 725-5134.

The Durand Memorial Branch is located at 700 N. Saginaw Street, Durand, MI 48429, phone (989) 288-3743.


Development of a Township park is being considered. The Board is reviewing the need, cost, and risk of being responsible for and managing this type of community resource.

Township residents can take advantage of the play area and outdoor pavilion located on the grounds of the Bennington Township hall. Bennington Township also has a walking trail, sledding hill, and basketball court. These resources are available for Township resident’s use at no charge on a first come, first served basis.

Click the picture for a better view of the playground and click here for a close-up view of the pavilion.